
WING is the thing !

The two piece wing section that makes this very very compact.
The entire leading edge up to the spar is covered with plywood for the torque ! When the wider ( and lighter ) section of the spar ends there is still 76 kg moment left ( for + 4 Gs ).

Here are some newer modifications !


  1. Miksi siipven rakenteessa on oikein hakemalle haettu ongelmia väännön suhteen? Mikä on se suuri ajatus laittaa siiven kiinnitys runkoon etureunaan? Joutuu tekemään täysin turhaa (=painavaa, hankalaa) rakennetta tyveen että siitä tulisi riittävän vahva. Myös varsinaisen pääsalon tekemä mutka tuo haastetta rakenteen suunnitteluun. Perussuunnittelu ei ole aivan kohdallaan.

  2. Hi, I'm very interest in the "Max" & "Vasama" approach that you've made, very good indeed. But did you give up on that...!
    Must say, the conceptual of the aircraft is very interesting or even very "attracting" and is in the line what we in Portugal is trying do devolve & commercialize. And our aim is to do a “low-cost” aircraft solution... for a single seat to be more or less on the figure 20 000 Eur! So can you give me your email contact for exchange data and comment’s. Mine is, lcesarx@gmail.com.

  3. I'll send you my E-mail. Thanks for the comments Luis Cesar.
