
Hippiäinen gets a major "facelift" !

How do you like it now ? Displayed with the Evans Volksplane VP-1( most built garage homebuilt ).


  1. Is there room for pilot? Why there is a huge headrest and way too big cockpit opening in the fuselage? And I can see lots of prblems tryng to make thw wing strong enough because thickest part of the wing goes through cockpit. Just like you are trying to make extra problems with primary struckture.

    Just too many critical mistakes in basic design.

  2. How does that person fit into your design or is there a height limit like no more than 150cm.

  3. Funny, critical comment are not published?

  4. There is much more room than in Evans Volksplane in Hippiäinen just measure it.

  5. "There is much more room than in Evans Volksplane in Hippiäinen just measure it."

    Please can you measure it yourself and give the results here. Difficult to measure when there are no information of hippiäinen measurements.

  6. Why don't you measure it the sample person in the picture will not fit into the plane. You claim that a person fits better to hippiainen than evans plane can you prove it with measurements?
