
How did I come to Aeromax so rapidly ?

I was developing previously a ground effect using aeroplane ( for about a year or so ). I gradually went to bigger from a single seater twin engine racer called Tweedy-Bird ( J-Flyer ) and ended into Early-Bird. This design is more lifting body than a ground effect design...but close enough.
The short coming of this nimble small twin was the gear arrangement..it was to have a single main gear ( to reduce weight and cut down drag ) this was not found out to be a viable way to steer a plane on the ground...even if possibly steerable, but the change to brake a prop in ground handling is obvious.


  1. No niin, tajusit sitten viimein isekin tuon telineen mahdottoman toteutuksen määrittelemilläsi spekseillä

  2. Sensuuri pelaa taas kommenteissa....

  3. Joo se teline ei ole FAI sääntöjen puitteissa.

    Mitä tarkoitat sensuurilla..kaikki on julkaistu. Tosin muutaman topiikin poistin kommentteineen.
