
Henshaw Challenge

Percival Mew Gull of 200 hp made a record that stood 70 years ( cruise speed 235 mph ). Now it is about to be broken;


Pilot name Chalkie with Osprey GP4 is nearly back in Cape Town.

More about Spitfire testpilot Alex Henshaw: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article1480049.ece?%20print=yes&randnum=1203509807953


I figured a Max III if fitted with 50 hp engine could out run the Osprey GP4 in speed by 20 mph. Flying like Chalkie means at least 1300 n.M legs 4 each way.

I had figured Max III could fly 1800 n.M with 22 hp engine at 165 mph. With 160 liters (42 gallons and 113 kilos ) of fuel in wing tanks the trip could be made with 50 hp engine at 250 mph using 43 hp.


This gives 20,6 kilos in an hour of fuel => 29 liters in an hour. Seems that L550E 2-stroke at that high rews is very very uneconomical. I have to recheck what I get when I put the top speed to 240 mph.


Chalkie has to have added extra fuel tanks since that has about 60 gallons tanks.

Right it says 420 liters capacity in Chalkie's GP4.

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