Writghts Flyer specs !
It seemed to have 12 hp ! It gives 0.035 hp/kg as power to weight ratio.
Just in comparison my flyer specs;
Teho paino suhde olisi siten 0.004 hv/kg polkemalla ( maksimi )..sama kuin nopeimmalla HPA lekolla.
Sama suhde aurinko energialla 0.028 hv/kg ja yhdistetyllä polkuvoima/aurinkoenergialla 0.032 hv/kg.
Miracle MPG with new hybrid design !
I was thinking aloud at the HBA site about the miracle mpg and hypotethical MPG:s that are thinkable. I was watching the episode of the HOUSE where he got into nut house....but then I realized one more thing; If you get this 6 seater 21 m spanning 30 m2 winged 23 kg/m2 loaded aeroplane in the air and get 14-15 hp from solar panels and you have nearly olympic level cyclists turning the pedals at 0.5 hp level practically the whole day ( switching seat with the pilot every 1 hour to rest ) you get 12 hours of continuous flying as long as the sun is up. If you fly at 100 mph like I predict ( and the sail planes do )you'd be flying 1920 miles in a day lite....and now comes the new part..you have a sustainer engine of 20 hp output ( you need 1 hp more since the night time has less upward draft )that burns 5 liters at SFC ( specific fuel consumption ) of 0.250 in an hour...you have shifts to fly, but everyone on board can get a good nite sleep and after 12 hours the sun starts to work again ( you may have to get up and pedal if the plane is sinkin at nite ...and 5 people at emergency level can provide 5 hp...so 20+5 is 25 hp ) you get power to weight ratio of 0.033 hp/kg which is much better than Rutan Voyager had with rear engine alone...after ½ the fuel was burned. It ought to stay up at 0.02 level as well ( 20 hp gives 0.027 hp/kg ) which is ok for a plane with 30 l/d. At the night you burn 60 liters of fuel..which is pretty much the max you can take..then you have no more nite to pedal..but during the day you can pedal another 12 hours before sun sets. Guess what ? at 100 mph it means a trip of 3580 miles for 6 people...using 60 liters of fuel. This gives an unheard mileage in aviation..guess what it is ? IT IS 1432 PMPG ( passenger miles per gallon ) ! I estimate this will happen in 5-6 years !
Jules Verne predicted the outcome of the heavier than air machines in Robur le Conquerant -book in 1886...17 years before Wrights flew.
388.4 pmpg is not bad...I recall Burt Rutan Vari Ez did 140 pmpg already in 1975.
New innoavation !
Well lotsa hard work pays back. I was able to draw a 30 + 3 m2 winged solar ( + muscle )powered ac 36 m2 of panel area.
I have now 6 people on board of which one is a pilot. This ac will generate with pedalling power and solar electricity 19 hp continuous ( 14 hp from panels and max 5 hp from human power ).Prop is mid fuse mounted 1,9 m dia. This may be a bit disappointment to many , but this 20,7 m spanning bird has L/D 28-30 and wingloading only 23,5 kg/m2. Power to weight ratio is still 0.02 hp/kg. It may a bit alarming, but since you know it has 13 kg/m2 less than any ac in same category hitherto then you know it is a massive force actually !
Added solar power effect on efficiency !
Next I am going to add 9 m2 of solar power ( extending 1,2 m each wing ) and getting rid of the main engines and enlarging the fan at the rear into 1.4 m dia using 2 x 20 kW electric engines....and reducing the cpacity to 7 people of which 6 will be cyclists powering the second engine running the huge fan..producing 4-8 hp. Altogether the "continuous" output will be around 18-20 hp and with precgarged batteries the take off power 50-55 hp.
Leaving the main engines out will reduce weight 140 kilos and leaving one man out 80 kilos..all this will mean ability to use enhanced structure to limit empty weight into 340 kilos ( speed is reduced too )making MTOW into 860 kilos. This hybrid ac would then fly at 125 mph using no fossil fuels at all !
Beech model 18 in comparison !
I found a nice plane; http://www.twinbeech.com/images/beech-18.jpg
Beech 18 is an oldie but pretty tightly packed...clearly Beech and Wells were no beginners. http://www.flightsim.com/main/review/beechmvy/beechmvy.htm
8 seater Tahiti cruiser with a lavatory !
At HBA site a question raised whether this can really deliver.
With pair of DeltaHawk engines ( deliveries start at 2013 ) this could fly from LAX to HAwaii main Island in 9 hours and after a pit stop another 9 hour flight to Tahiti. Added lavatory will make the trip more enjoyable for families etc.
Water closet could also work as place to warm a cup of coffee or even heat a meal ( at a small microwave and a coffee maker on a shelve above the water sink ).
A bit less luxurious still than this, but 20-120 mph faster than H.P.42 in 1919; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCLoecW2VzM&feature=relmfu
DeltaHawk 200hp diesel for IO-2 ?
Looks really good; http://www.deltahawkengines.com/econom00.shtml
This engine with this consumption would make IO-2 go as economical as with ULS 912, but travelling at 260 mph...70-80 mph faster than with 100 hp ROTAX.
It is also smaller in size than the TIO-360; http://www.deltahawkengines.com/aboutdeltahawk.shtml
IOs big sister AEON !
I had to come with a ½ sized IO-2.
This has many features I always looked for..also payload and room enough for golf equipment.
It look sreally really good...and AEON has a good chance to become built too as it is the structural and aerodynamical scaled down model of the transport/utility plane IO-2.
Tail volumes checked in Daniel Raymer way !
According to Daniel Raymer the twin ought to have 0,8 TVC for the elevator and 0.07 for vertical.
I'd be pleased to hear any further info on this..to me the verticals are too big now.
Since I have planned to have fertilazion , parachutist, sight seeing, ambulance and even taxi flight serveces with this I have put more than 0,8 for the elevator too.
Edit: Now they are ok !
Latest mods for the transport IO-2
It has bigger door, bigger window an added window and one seat less. MTOW ( maximum take off weight ) has been increased. Economy is now "only" 1 LITER / 100 KM / occupant when fully loaded @ 200 km/h speed.
"Faberge Egg" theory of design !
I have been talking about this Faberge Egg theory of aeroplane design few months now...I have tried to practise it in all of my designs to save weight and gain performance. Here is another example what it can bring about. I cropped the DH89 side by side with IO-2 in the same scale.
DH89 Dragon Rapide is almost 80 years old now ( first flite 1934 ). IO-2 needs 2 x 100 hp to get airborne from frozen lakes and grass fields. I also counted it flies at 30% power using only 0,89 liters/passenger/100 km and flying 200 km/h ( 125 mph ). At engines cruise setting ( 75% ) it burns 40 liters/hr and does 262 km/h ( 163 mph ) and at top speed of 289 km/h it still burns less than 2,5 l/occupant/100 km..beating DH89 by 1 liter/passenger and flying 50 km/h faster. Also beating in economy all Boeing and Airbus products. Light weight is being obtained by the foam-ply-carbon hybrid structure.
I have also the theory of weak powered flight..emaning that flying less fast and with advanced structures with new aerodynamics a save in fuel is enermous.
One practical solution of what this means !
I am slightly annoyed by the slow pace the people seem to be reacting to my theories of low powered flight.
Here is one example that I hastily sketched today.
This 8 seater ac has less span than a DH89 Dragon Rapide and 4x less weight than 10 seater Fokker Trimotor..yet it is a lot shorter than a Tecnam P2006T with similar engines.
This also hasn't flown...no funding so far.
Edit: I'll try to push this twin into Aero 45 direction ( 2+5 seater )...after the IO design of course.
Landing gear and wing tank renewed !
I had to rearrange the gear set up since I moved 16 liter wingtanks to the design...to the forward of the wing spar ( position ).
It looks really cool, but I also keep it under wraps for a while since I have no funding so far...might take years before this baby flies. Lotsa enlightening holes in the design, but principally as it was...a tad stronger perhaps.
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